Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common disorder seen by GPs in the UK, described as a functional disorder which affects a wide range of women and men. It is estimated that approximately 10-20% of the UK population have symptoms of IBS, although the prevalence may be higher not all seek a GPs help for their symptoms. More than twice as many women suffer from IBS than men, currently the cause is unknown. Many individuals find that their symptoms worsen during a stressful period of their lives which often interrupts their daily activities.
Here at Kijani, we care about our customers’ health and will be discussing IBS and the supplements which may help ease symptoms.
Research has shown the benefits of probiotics in reducing permeability and inflammation of the gut in irritable bowel syndrome. Many individuals can have an imbalance of bacteria; Jarrow Ultra Jarro-Dophilus provides 50 billion live cultures from 10 laboratory studied strains which can help replenish the friendly bacteria needed for digestion and are essential in absorbing nutrients. Research has shown that probiotics can help reduce bloating and flatulence in some patients, the National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggests that probiotics should be taken for at least four weeks.
Why not try Natures Answer Slippery elm, a herb that has been used for centuries as a herbal remedy for medicinal purposes. Currently, there is no direct literature on the effectiveness of slippery elm in easing IBS related symptoms but when taken orally as an extract many patients see a positive effect on stool formation. It is thought that slippery elm may have a soothing effect on any irritated tissue linings in the digestive system. As it may have an effect on stool, slippery elm can be helpful for both constipation and diarrhoea as it can soften and add smooth bulk to faecal matter.