Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common condition that is described as a functional disorder affecting a wide range of men and women, including young adults. IBS is also twice as common in women. The cause is still unknown, despite the onset of IBS often traced back to infections of the gastro-intestinal tract. IBS sufferers often also can link the onset of their symptoms to life events or periods of stress, and the symptoms are also made worst with stress and anxiety.
IBS is chronic and presents a wide range of symptoms. IBS presents differently in different sufferers and are divided in 3 categories, of IBS-C (Constipation dominant IBS), IBS- D (diarrhoea dominant IBS) AND IBS- M (alternating constipation and diarrhoea). In order to help IBS sufferers manage their symptoms and support the health of their gut, while hopefully reducing the discomfort and pain, we have provided you with a few tips below.
These may work fantastically for some individuals, but don’t be disheartened if it is not the solution to your symptoms.
1. Identification of triggers
Identify the foods that aggravate your symptoms or bring up a flare up. Despite common triggers being wheat, dairy, gluten and soya, no foods should completely be ruled out with no reason. Keeping a food diary and working with a nutritional therapist/nutritionist can help you tailor your diet to adapt to your body’s needs.
2. Fibre
In a diet, that lacks dietary fibre introducing it, is essential but it is advisable to do is slowly. Initially include those foods that are easier to digest and preferably in small portions. Favour soluble fibre which can be found in fruit, vegetables, pulses and oats-although these also contain insoluble fibre.
Additional sources of fibre, can help keep your bowel movements regular especially when you suffer from IBS-C and IBS-M. Chia seeds have been given this ‘superfood’ title simply because they are incredible for health. They form mucilage once soaked, i.e. they become ‘gooey’ when they swell up and it is known that eating water soaked chia seeds can cleanse the digestive system by eliminating any accumulated waste from the intestines. This helps to get rid of toxins in the digestive tract. Chia seeds absorb water, so once consumed they help keep us hydrated for a long time while retaining the electrolytes present in the body fluids. Therefore they help to provide the colon with hydration and support regular bowel movements. Providing an excellent balance of macro-nutrients, they supply us with protein, fat, fibre and carbohydrates. In addition you will be having a hefty dose of antioxidants, iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Last but not least, they seem to provide healing abilities to an irritated gastrointestinal lining which would work wonders with IBS sufferers.
Alternatively, 1-2 tablespoons of freshly organic ground flax seeds taken daily can work wonders if the Chia seeds seem insufficient. Try our Barleans Forti Flax!
3. Apple Cider Vinegar
Make sure to select a raw or unpasteurised Organic Apple Cider Vinegar from the shelf. It can help to reduce gas, bloating and soothing any spasms you may experience. Simply dilute a tablespoon in water or a cooled herbal tea just before a meal. You may also use it in your salad dressings. In our house we love making it with Barleans Organic Flax Oil on a Mediterranean salad topped with some pomegranate seeds.
4. Probiotics
You have probably have come across the fact that probiotics is what you need if you suffer from IBS. But we do have to be careful, as often IBS sufferers can have an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria and yeast and it is important to address this before looking into probiotics. Otherwise, the symptoms may get worst.
From a food perspective, you could also try natural forms of probiotics like miso for example. It is a traditional Japanese staple food, made by fermenting soybeans and either barley or rice with aspergillus oryzae culture. This unique lactobacillus fermentation process helps to increase the availability of nutrients and supports their digestion while promoting a healthy digestive system. Miso is a fantastic wholefood containing live cultures and is also a great source of B vitamins, calcium and iron. It supports a strong immune system while being high in antioxidants.
The suggestions above are just a few which may work for you. One of our hero products to help soothe IBS symptoms includes Amazing Grass Raw Reserve. It is a powerful blend of greens, cereal grasses, digestive enzymes, sea vegetables, a herbal and support food blend with aloe vera and ginger (both of which have healing and anti-inflammatory activities), chia seeds and flax seeds. A serving of Amazing Grass Raw Reserve also provides 25 billion probiotics per serve which can be useful provided there is no overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria in the gut.