Suffer From Eczema? Here is How to Best Approach It
The skin is hugely dependent on our overall health and is affected by so many factors, be it things that surround us or that we consume. It is perhaps the reason why it is also so widespread. It is no surprise that the incessant hand washing with the current Co-vid climate, general stress, changes in temperature or dietary patterns, that there has been a general increase in eczema sufferers (British Skin Foundation, 2020)
The general advice when eczema is confirmed by a GP, often includes prescribed steroid creams for flare-ups and topical treatments of emollients. These can work to a certain point, but in the long run more needs to be done to help address the underlying root causes of eczema as well as support the healing of the skin.
In this blog we focus on lifestyle and skincare, but in the next we will address nutritional changes that can be made and why!
What is Eczema?
Defined by dry, rough skin patches that can become red and scaly. When very active, eczema can become moist or weepy. The itchiness not only worsens the rashes but also affects the quality of sleep and can affect us psychologically! The most common form is known as Atopic eczema, and although there is no official cause of eczema, research has shown it is a by-product of the immunes system’s reaction to external aggressors. Genetics also has a role to play. While 1 in 5 children in the UK currently suffer from it, and symptoms can be eased over the years or even be cleared.
What Skincare Ingredients to Avoid?
Several products are marketed as being great for eczema, but can we trust them all? Our expert nutritionist and pharmacist, Isabelle suggests that it is best to avoid: petrochemicals, fragrant loaded cleansers, emollients and wipes. Avoid ingredients listed as SLS, parabens, phthalates and mineral oils.
Other hidden ingredients include chemicals, fragrances in detergents and dyes in clothing that can act as ‘irritants’ to the skin and make matters worst. Identifying allergens (dust, mould, materials in contact with the skin, food allergies) is also important and needs to be avoided.
Stress reducing therapies can come in handy. Some evidence suggests acupuncture, acupressure or stress-reducing techniques such as hypnosis, massage or biofeedback can help. Others can simply be exercise, cooking or listening to music, all down to personal choice! Being aware of what can cause you stress and how to alleviate it is important.
Skincare Routine
The best products are often the ones as naturally made as possible, or created at home with key ingredients. But time and patience is not always on our side!
Particular botanicals or fatty acids can do wonders to help calm the skin, ease the irritation and bring peace of mind. This is especially the case, when children’s skins are involved.
• Vitamin E
The main antioxidant used by the skin to protect itself from damage from various sources, including damaging UV radiation and air pollutants, which trigger the production of damaging free radicals on a daily basis. It is also effective in wound healing and its anti-inflammatory properties can prove effective in alleviating some of the symptoms of eczema. Browse through the JASON Vitamin E range to see what best suits you.
This may be great as a general moisturiser. It contains Vitamin E plus five other essential natural oils: Almond, Apricot, Avocado, Sunflower and Wheat Germ Oil. Alternatively for very dry patches, you may prefer the JASON Vitamin E 45,000iu oil for very dry and cracked skin patches.
• Coconut oil
Omega 3 fatty acids naturally present in Virgin Coconut Oil have clinically shown to exert great benefits. By supporting the healing of the skin barrier, especially in children with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis. In a study done over 8 weeks, an improvement of 47% was found in skin health. We suggest you give Nutiva Organic Virgin Coconut Oil a go, available in different formats, for the whole family and a wide range of purposes including skin care and cooking.
• Oats
A handful of oats can be placed in a bath, with no other ingredients! So easy to do and doesn’t cost much. Provides a soothing action by relieving the inflammation that accompanies eczema.
• Others include rosehip oil, sacha inchi seed oil, hemp seed oil amongst many others
Calendula and Aloe Vera can also be calming and soothing for some individuals.
Body washes as well as shampoos must be carefully chosen. If you have sensitive skin or very mild eczema with symptoms well under control, you can browse through our calming ranges of products that can help, by not irritating the skin as well give you a sense of calm. Jason Chamomile body wash or the Cannabis Sativa Seed De-Stress range. Its body wash contains oatmeal, lavender, hops extracts for a relaxing and calming cleanse. The moisturising cream offers a calming blend of Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil and vitamin rich black cumin seed oil infused with oatmeal and shea butter to support healthy skin.
• The British Skin Foundation (2020) https://www.britishskinfoundation.org.uk/
• Evangellista, M et al.(2014).The effect of topical virgin coconut oil on SCORAD index, transepidermal water loss, and skin capacitance in mild to moderate pediatric atopic dermatitis: a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial. The Journal of Dermatology .Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24320105/
• Vieira,B.L et al. (2016). Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Atopic Dermatitis: An Evidence-Based Review. Am J Clin Dermato. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27388911/