Best children’s products to support a strong immune system!
Starting school can be exciting but also a little stressful. Getting back into a set routine, coping with the demands of schoolwork and the mental challenge that it can bring for some. Co-vid 19 has had such an impact on all of us and changed our lives in many ways. The emotional, physical and mental changes the body goes through can lead to a process called inflammation. This is why maximising the support given to the immune system is incredibly important during this time. Inflammation and any illnesses place their toll on the immune system, making it hard for our defences to stay strong and overcome these.
- Nutrition and Lifestyle
Nutrition and a good sleep routine are both very important to stay healthy and increase the body’s resilience to fight viruses and infections. Daily nutrients can be obtained from a wide range of whole grains (bulgur wheat, wholegrain rice and quinoa), pulses (chickpeas, lentils, baked beans, butter beans), fruits and vegetables.
The Department of Health in fact recommends children from six months to five years old to be given supplements containing Vitamins A, C and D.
Vitamin D is recommended to be taken by all ages, throughout the year. Particularly true if quite a few children have had to shield during lockdown, obtaining vitamin D is very important. Supplementation is required, as only small amounts of Vitamin D can be found in food.
Vitamin A is also important as it helps to strengthen the immune system, helps support healthy vision and keeps the skin healthy. Dietary sources include dairy products; orange coloured fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, swede and mangoes. Vitamin A is also present in dark green leafy vegetables, such a spinach, cabbage and broccoli. If you struggle for family recipe ideas, we would recommend this recently published cookbook, The Family Kitchen. They have all been easy to follow and successful in our house!
Meet the children’s needs in simply one delicious daily chewable tablet. Suitable from the age of 4, it provides the required intake of vitamin D (10ug), a wholefood source of vitamin C (30 mg) derived from certified organic Amla berries. Probiotics and prebiotics are clinically proven to support gut health, which in turn supports the immune system. This unique formula provides 5 billion live bacteria from 14 different strains. There is no need for refrigeration, as the bacteria is guaranteed to stay alive and potent in the specially packaged recyclable tub. Simplicity is what we need in our lives right now.
Elderberries contain a wonderful blend of antioxidants that can help our immune defences. They also naturally contain anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The perfect product that we recommend is Sambucus kids. Suitable from the age of four, it provides 4000 mg of black elderberry extract per serving. Black elderberries are infused with other well-revered immune supporting herbs such as Echinacea and Astralagus. We know that it is safe and effective, and free from sweeteners, artificial preservatives, alcohol and gluten. It is cruelty free and just tastes delicious! It can be taken as prevention and as well, as help ease cold and flu symptoms.
This certified organic blend of botanicals, Bach flowers and homeopathic remedies is suitable for the whole family. Recommended from the age of 6 years old, it supports our natural defences, making the whole family more resilient to infections and viruses. Immuno-4 can be taken as part of a prevention program and the dose adjusted in times of needs.
- British Nutrition Foundation https://www.nutrition.org.uk/healthyliving/lifestages/children.html
- Department of Health
NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/vitamins-for-children/?tabname=babies-and-toddlers