So far we’ve spoken about detoxing our diets, detoxing our beauty regimens, but what about detoxing our lives? We spend so much time obsessing about what we put in and on our bodies, but how much thought do we give to the experiences we put our bodies and minds through? Our environment, our peers, our lifestyle can all play a part in our overall wellbeing.
Here are our top five ways to help cleanse your soul this January, helping you live the very best life you can.
Digital Detox
Our society is increasingly obsessed with digital technology; social media, selfies, always plugged in to our inboxes, always plugged in to everything we want (or don’t want) to be. There was a time when a mobile phone was just for calling to say you were running late, or the car had broken down. It was a simpler time!
There’s no doubt that technology has changed our lives in many ways for the good, but has the phone, our connection to everyone in the whole world we know, and the photos it takes for our social media profiles, also become the epicentre of every experience and outing in the real world?
Here’s a little experiment we want you to try. Next time you’re out with your friends for dinner, keep your phone in your bag or pocket on silent. See how many times you think about checking your phone throughout the dinner. Rather than reaching for the phone, engage with the people who you are with right now.
A few other ways you can give your life a digital detox for the better are:
* No technology at least an hour before bed
* No phones at the meal tables
* Spend at least a few hours on the weekends without your phone - we think you’ll be surprised at how liberating the feeling is!
Home Health
Hoarders we’re looking at you here. We are have too much stuff, thanks to our consumer driven society, and our homes are filled up with many things we don’t need. Having a clear-out can seem like a daunting task, but there are some simple rules you can follow:
* Did you know we only wear about 20% of our clothes? When it comes to cleansing your wardrobe, a good rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn it in a year, out it goes. TRAID is a textile recycling charity which funds world international development projects, often with a fashion industry focus. We also encourage you to buy less, and to buy better.
* Don’t have more than you need: bed linen, towels, crockery, and cutlery, whatever it is only have what you need. Your home will look less cluttered and more aesthetically “clean”.
* Don’t be obsessed with tidying and cleaning, you’re not expecting the queen for tea anytime soon. A little bit of housework every day adds up and won’t seem like such a chore.
Toxic Friendships
We’ve all had one at some point in our lives; the person who brings nothing positive into your life. Make 2017 the year you ditch them. Before rushing into this however understand it’s not always straightforward and may be an on-going process.
First step; stop calling them, you may find they don’t call you which is the best case scenario. If it’s not that simple and your lives are more entwined, you will have to tell them why you don’t want them in your life any more. Before you do this though, write a letter outlining why. It’s not to send to them but a way to get all your thoughts and feelings down on paper, so you have your reasons when you have the talk with them, plus if you doubt your decision in the future you will have this letter.
Work Life
This phrase was batted around so much in 2016, do us a favour: in 2017 don’t just talk about your work life balance: live it.
The Great Outdoors
Finally, this 2017 aim to spend more time in nature. This has an incredibly positive effect on our mental outlook and going for a long walk can also be a great opportunity to process all your thoughts and have a mental clear-out.