Have you started Veganuary this month or are you ready to start in the next few days or weeks? If the answer is ‘yes’ then this blog is definitely beneficial for you, as here at Kijani we care about our readers. Statistics have shown that there are at least 542,000 vegans in 2017[1] with this number significantly growing especially this month as Veganuary has exploded on social media.
We know how hard it is to find support from a qualified nutritionist so for this blog we have one of our registered in-house nutritionists giving her top tips on how to make changes to your diet and follow veganism whether you are a newly turned vegan or have been for a while.
Read on and we will give you a few ideas and tips on how to make the change and ensure that you do not lack any nutrients and kick start 2018 with the knowledge you need for Veganuary!
[1] Start at your own pace-
There is no definite way of starting veganism as everyone is unique and whilst for some it’s easy to make changes others find it more difficult. It’s essential to remember to go at your own pace and make sure you are fully educated on which products are vegan friendly and which are not. If you find it difficult to make big changes then try making small changes to your meal as this is the easiest way to increased plant-based food and slowly remove animal based products.
[2] Avoid nutritional deficiencies by eating plenty of vitamin b12, iron, calcium and omega-3 fatty acid rich foods. Try to incorporate these nutrients in the diet by including these foods:
* Protein- tofu, edamame, tempeh, veggie burgers, legumes, nuts, quinoa, plant based protein shakes
* Calcium- edamame, tofu, almonds, calcium fortified non-dairy beverages, dark green leafy vegetables and calcium fortified drinks
* Omega-3 fatty acids- flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, walnuts, walnut oil, algae oil
* Vitamin B12- soy based beverages, yeast, fortified breakfast cereals, fortified veggie burgers,
* Iron- fortified breakfast cereals, soy based foods, dried prunes, nuts, legumes, fortified whole wheat breads
Remember that many vegans may become deficient in vitamin B12 so it may be necessary to use a wholefood vegan based chemical free spray such as (Garden Of Life Vitamin B12) derived from fermented yeasts with an remarkable dose of vitamin B12 to avoid any deficiency.
[3] Include a variety of vegetables and fruits in your diet-
This tip might seem like an obvious to do for vegans but many forget to include a variety of vegetables and fruits. These will ensure your meals are full of different nutrients and rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for overall health.
[4] Ask for help-
“How do I bake without eggs”, “are the any vegan chocolates” are common questions faced by many nutritionists, dietitians and health care professionals but not to worry as you are not alone in this. The power of social media is remarkable and any question can easily be answered online or through support groups. Link up with other vegans through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and even societies online where constant support is provided and most questions are answered. Also there are so many vegan alternative recipes for many favourite dishes such as curries and favourite cakes.
Remember take it at your own pace and make sure you are fully educated on being vegan and what products you can intake.
Enjoy the start of 2018 and let’s kick Veganuary in Kijani Living style!
[1] https://www.vegansociety.com/whats-new/news/find-out-how-many-vegans-are-great-britain