Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and affection shown in the form of flowers, a card, a romantic getaway or a home cooked candlelit dinner. Known as Lupercalia, the festival was held in February and officially represented the start of spring. As entertaining as it sounds, boys and girls would find a soulmate during the festival after the boys would have drawn girls’ names out of a box. Occasionally this relationship would later turn into marriage. That day in the middle of February was then associated with Saint Valentine by the Christians and has since been a day where we express our feelings to those we love.
At Kijani, we wanted to show you a gesture of appreciation by sharing with you our top foods to keep the love and intimacy alive.
* Originally found in the South Amazon rainforests, Cacao referred to as the “food of gods. Its Magnesium as well as serotonin and phenylethylamine, content helps to promote a relaxed and happy feeling to get you in the mood for Valentine’s. Besides, Cacao’s consumption triggers the release of the brain chemical, anandamide associated with a feeling of bliss and elation. Why not bake organic and raw cacao brownies or add a teaspoon of Amazing Grass Green Superfood Cacao to both your morning smoothies. Remember Valentine’s does not have to just last a day.
* If you have been to the famous markets in Istanbul, you may have seen dried Figs stuffed with Walnuts with the suggestion that it is a form of ‘Viagra’. Now you might wonder why these two specific ingredients would have a sexual meaning. Both of these have often been referred to as aphrodisiacs
* Walnuts are naturally high in Vitamins B1 and B2 which contribute to the overall energy production. They are also high in Zinc, which contributes to normal fertility and reproduction (EU nutrition and health claims, 2015). Zinc also supports the maintenance of testosterone levels in the blood. The antioxidants found in Walnuts were found to be 2 to 15 times as powerful as Vitamin E, protecting the body against damaging natural chemicals involved in causing disease. The high antioxidant content can help contribute to a healthy prostate and a healthy libido. (American Chemical Society, 2011). Walnuts are also good sources of L-Arginine, an amino acid that is converted to nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and supports blood flow to organs.
Figs have been viewed as a sensual fruit from the Mulberry Family for years due to their shape and, their seeds representing female fertility. Nutritionally dense in fibre, potassium, vitamin A, E and K, they are great foods to have on Valentine’s Day.
* Maca is known for its libido boosting qualities and its ability to balance hormones. Originating from Peru, it is said to have the ability to increase sexual desire. Pair it with chocolate for the perfect combination!
* Naturally high in Zinc, Oysters are undoubtedly the perfect starter to have on Valentine’s. They are also high in Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Iron. Studies show that a deficiency in Zinc, can contribute to a lowered sex drive and sexual capacity. Oysters also contain Dopamine, which encourages the feeling of being happy as you know.
* Don’t forget your sources of Folate such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale or spinach. Folate is essential for energy levels and healthy female and male reproductive systems.
Other foods to keep in mind are Pomegranates, Asparagus, Honey, Strawberries, Artichokes, and Avocado.
Happy Valentine’s Day readers and we hope the above foods can help you plan your menu.
American Chemical Society. Walnuts are top nut for heart-healthy antioxidants. ScienceDaily. 2011 March 28.