As many of us know omega 3 fatty acids are dietary nutrients that are essential to us and can only be consumed via our dietary intake. Essential omega-3 FA EPA & DHA are found most abundantly in fish/fish oil and can be found in algae whereas certain plant sources such as flaxseed, walnuts are enriched with ALA.
I bet you're wondering that is the difference between these three essential omega-3 fatty acids. Well the biggest difference is that EPA & DHA can only be found in fish/fish oil but lacks ALA in comparison plant based flaxseed is high in ALA but lack EPA & DHA.
What are these essential nutrients?
A tremendous amount of scientific research has gone into these essential nutrients since they were discovered in the 1950's that consuming fish offered many benefits which were attributed to the omega-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA. Omega- 3 fatty acids are recognised as an essential nutrient and currently the EU Commission authorised claims that EPA/DHA contribute to:
- The maintenance of normal cardiac function
- The maintenance of normal vision;
- The maintenance of normal brain function
- The normal visual development of infants up to 12months
Approved claims that ALA contributes to:
- Essential fatty acids are needed for normal growth and development of children
- ALA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels
A typical western diet provides approximately 2-3g of ALA from a mixture of plant sources whereas approximately 50-80mg of DHA & EPA are consumed daily. The UK recommends that an average individual should aim to eat at least two portions of oily fish a day.Omega-3 fatty acids are recognised worldwide as an essential nutrient which plays a huge role in the normal functioning of the brain (including learning ability, memory, and cognitive performance)
EPA & DHA are both omega-3 (n-3) long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids which provide an array of health benefits (1). DHA and EPA have different functions within the human body with DHA mainly affecting brain development and EPA affecting behaviour and mood. They are incorporated in many parts of the body including cell membranes and play a key role in fetal development, brain and retina health. DHA is a key component of all cell membranes and is found in profusion within the brain and retina (2). EPA and DHA are also the precursors for many metabolites which are potent lipid mediators and considered by many studies to be beneficial for the prevention of several diseases (3).
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is a shorter chain fatty acid which can be found in many land plants commonly eaten, ALA does not provide the same health benefits as EPA & DHA. Our body is able to convert ALA to EPA and DHA though enlongase and desaturase enzymes. Recent research has found that the conversion of ALA to EPA/DHA is around 8% in the studied subjects (4). Barlean's have a huge range of ALA rich products with high dosage which will allow the conversion to EPA/DHA within the body.
Please follow the link to find all the Barlean’s products
1) Su Kp, Huang Sy, Chiu Th, Huang Kc, Huang Cl, Chang Hc, Pariante CM (2008). Omega-3 fatty acids for major depressive disorders during pregnancy: results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Psychiatry 69:644-51
2) Smith GI, Atherton P, Reeds DN, Mohammed BS et al., (2011). Dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in olrder adults: a randomised controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr 94:402-12
3) Serhan CN, Chiang N, Van Dyke TE (2008). Resolving inflammation dual anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution lipid mediators. Nat Rev Immunol 8:349-61.
4) Hussein N, Ah-Sing E, Wilkinson P, Leach C, Griffin BA, Millward DJ (2005). Long-chain conversion of [13C]linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid in response to marked changes in their dietary intake in men. J Lipid Res ;46:269–80.