Allergies can take many forms and suffering from it can be debilitating. Allergies are caused when the body’s immune system reacts to particular substances as though they are harmful. There is often a family history of allergies or a close member of the family suffering from asthma or eczema. With the number of allergies increasing year by year, we wanted to raise the awareness of allergies for better prevention and management.
One of the theories as to why allergies are on the rise is due to the fact that we are living in a germ-free and cleaner environment which may be reducing our immune system’s exposure to the number of germs out there. The immune system is therefore not so used to dealing with it all and overreacts in due course.
Allergy triggers can be caused by inhaling irritants such as pollen or animal dander, touching certain substances, or ingesting particular foods. For any allergies, symptoms are made worst when our health is undermined and we know that good health first starts with nutrition. Focussing on avoiding triggers while also supporting our immune system is key through lifestyle and dietary measures.
When the respiratory system is affected by allergies to pollen, spores, mould or dust they are also termed as Hay Fever or Allergic Rhinitis. Hay fever affects approximately 35 % of the population. Symptoms of hay fever include sneezing, a runny nose or stuffy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes and nose, and a headache.
For seasonal allergies, beginning a more natural approach 1-2 months ahead can help reduce the severity of symptoms. Eyebright also referred to as Euphrasia officinalis is a plant with natural anti-inflammatory and astringent properties which can help to reduce the symptoms of congestion and secretion. It is known to help with itchy eyes, sneezing, and excess mucus. Eyebright has also been used topically for inflammatory conditions of the eye. Get in touch and we can tell you more.
Nettles have been known for centuries for a wide variety of applications. Nettle leaf is excellent for allergies and has shown to be useful for childhood eczema, nappy rash or hay fever. Research suggest that nettle leaf is generally good for itchy skin conditions and insect bites. Packed with wonderful constituents like flavonoids and minerals, nettle leaf contributes to overall health.
From another point of view, supporting our digestion which is the core of our immune system is very important. Eating the foods that best suit you, while keeping a note of triggers is important. Adding Green Defense to your daily routine could really be a nutrient and probiotic boost nurturing a healthy digestion. Metabolin® probiotic metabolites found in Green Defense may help balance the intestinal microflora and support the body’s natural defence.