Ingredients for the Chocolate Sauce
- 200 g of Green and Blacks Organic Dark Cooking Chocolate roughly chopped.
- 200 ml of Organic Coconut milk
Ingredients for the Poached Pears
- 6 ripe pears
- 4 tablespoons of Agave Nectar or Honey if you prefer
- Optional ingredients: a few raspberries; cloves or cinnamon sticks to present the dish. Alternatively you may sprinkle the bottom of the pears with Nutiva Hemp Seeds
- Optional ingredients: Vanilla ice cream for those who wish.
- For the chocolate sauce: Gently melt chocolate in the top of a double boiler until smooth. Remove from the heat.
- In a separate small pot, bring to a boil the coconut milk over medium heat.
- Set aside, away from the heat to cool slightly. Add the coconut milk to the chocolate and gently stir until smooth and well combined.
- In a medium pot, bring ginger, agave nectar and water to boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium and let simmer for about 5 minutes.
- Meanwhile, peel the pears and halve lengthwise. Scoop out the cores with a melon baller.
- Gently lower the pears into the pot
- Cover the surface with a round of parchment paper.
- Cook the pears for about 10-15minutes. You may check if they are thoroughly cooked by gently sliding a paring knife through one of them.
- Carefully remove with a wooden spoon and transfer to a bowl.
- Pour the poaching liquid over.
- Serve warm or chilled
To serve, place the pear halves in a shallow bowl and drizzle with melted chocolate. Decorate your dish with cinnamon sticks, or cloves and raspberries to keep up with the festive spirit.