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Is it Time to Ditch the Detox?

17 Jan, 2020 14
Is it Time to Ditch the Detox?

No doubt, in most individuals the liver (in fact, it’s not just our livers, but our kidneys, lungs and intestines are all working to expel toxins from our bodies!) is a well-functioning organ designed to detoxify your body of moderate amounts of toxins, such as alcohol and inorganic matter. However, if you live a stressful life, in the city, consume a far from perfect diet (including trans fats, artificial sweeteners, colours and the like), then your body may well thank you for a detox. 

Yet as more and more of us become more aware of the impact our diet, surroundings and behaviour have on our overall health and happiness, we ask is it time to move away from the traditional “January detox” and take smaller steps every day towards living a cleaner, healthier and happier life? So if you’re done with detoxing, here are our top 11 tips for you to try in 2020 to work towards a calmer, more peaceful, Zen existence. 


  1. 1. Eat organic whole foods - this is important not because of the nutrient density of foods, but rather to avoid pesticides used on non-organic produce, and artificial flavours, sweeteners and colours used in processed foods. Ensure you eat at least five portions of fruit and veg a day, taking in a broad spectrum of colours, as part of a varied balanced diet. Foods that can help your body’s detoxifying pathway include greens - try Garden of Life Protein and Greens - and coconut oil

  2. 2. Drink lots of water - like detoxing, this point often divides opinion, however drinking more water aids your body’s elimination process by keeping your bowels well-lubricated.

  3. 3. Support your gut - eat plenty of fermented foods, such as kefir and sauerkraut, for healthy gut flora, and take a probiotic - try Garden of Life Microbiome Formulas.


  1. 4. Choose natural and organic beauty products - many mainstream products contain ingredients that can be a burden on our body’s nervous, lymph, and detox systems, or perhaps even scarier are the ingredients we don’t know the effect of on the body. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you are already making good choices when it comes to personal care products. Read our blog about ingredients to avoid in beauty here. 

  2. 5. Exercise daily - get moving! Even just a brisk walk for twenty minutes will get your lymphatic and circulatory system going.

  3. 6. Get as much deep sleep as possible - our body detoxifies itself at night, and our own circadian rhythm is set so that our deeper sleep cycles occur before midnight. It’s during these periods that the magic happens within our body.

  4. 7. Digital detox - try unplugging for a while - this could be on the weekend or an evening. See how much clearer your thoughts are when you’re not constantly checking for updates on your mobile. Use this time to reconnect with real living people right in front of your eyes! A few other ways you can incorporate the principles of digital detoxing into your life on a daily basis are: 

  • * No technology at least an hour before bed

  • * No phones at mealtimes or while engaging in conversation

  • * No “second screening” when watching your evening’s entertainment

  1. 8. Home help - Did you know we only wear about 20% of our clothes, so make like Marie Kondo and have a good clearout. Never have more than you need: bed linen, towels, crockery, cutlery, whatever it is only have what you need. Your home will look less cluttered and more aesthetically ́clean. Also, don’t be obsessed with tidying and cleaning. A little bit of housework every day adds up and won’t seem like such a chore. 

  2. 9. Toxic friendships - we’ve all had one at some point in our lives; the person who brings nothing positive into your life. First step; stop calling them, you may find they don’t call you which is the best case scenario. If it’s not that simple and your lives are more entwined, you will have to tell them why you don’t want them in your life any more. Before you do this though, write a letter outlining why. It’s not to send to them but a way to get all your thoughts and feelings down on paper, so you have your reasons when you have the talk with them, plus if you ever doubt your decision in the future you will have this letter.

  3. 10. Work-life balance - take time for you so that you can do your job better. Don’t slave till late when it can wait till tomorrow, your health (and your boss) will thank you in the long run. Just make sure you are organised and hit your deadlines.

  4. 11. Get out more - spend time in nature. This has an incredibly positive effect on our mental outlook and going for a long walk can also be a great opportunity to process all your thoughts and have a mental clearout.

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