By Isabelle, Head Nutritionist
In an attempt to uplift your mood, keep you motivated for work or simply getting you out of bed, all while maintaining stress levels at bay; exercise and nutrition have a very important role to play! Not only do they support physical health but they can also help you feel tremendously better.
At Kijani Living, we are passionate about guiding you to feel and be your best, as naturally as possible.
Stress impacts the body in multiple ways
- * Contributes to a release of stress hormones, ‘cortisol’ and also ‘adrenaline’
- * May affect your balance of bacteria in your gut and your digestion
- * Can increase blood sugar levels
- * Increase your heart rate
- * Increase your blood pressure
- * Can affect your skin amongst others.
Exercise to help de-stress!
Ever heard of the feel good hormones that are released with exercise? Well ‘endorphins’ as we refer to them, help to send positive energy through your body and support a mood boost. We know that sometimes to even get started is the hardest task! But think of that ‘feel good feeling’ you’ll experience post-workout!
While we are staying at home over the next couple of weeks, we thought we would compile our best exercises. Go ahead and pick your favourite!
Aerobic exercise
This is the type of exercise that is of a high-energy and fast pace to get your heart rate up and release a high volume of endorphins. This can range from dancing, a high intensity workout, or a dynamic Pilates or barre class. It can also involve outdoor exercise! We are lucky that in the UK, we can still exercise for 1 hour outside, so try that run you have been meaning to and make your way home right after!
The Body Coach is providing active workouts for you and the family on his social media and You Tube channels. Tune in at 9 am every day for a family workout with kids on P.E. with Joe. www.thebodycoach.com
Body barre
Paola and her team are currently providing live classes at PBB Method Virtual. They have even provided a list of equipment you can grab online, should you wish to gear up! If you wish to try a barre class to help you move, tone up and feel good, log on to www.paolabodybarre.com to find out more.
Gentle Classes
Pilates and Yoga
These type of exercises may provide a more gentle pace of movement, all while supporting your breathing techniques but also stretching, building strength and resilience at the same time. Give one of those a go to help you relax.
Holly Grant at Pilates PT has classes to suit all, from pre-natal, post-natal, beginners and for those who prefer a more dynamic class at www.pilatespt.co.uk. Another great instructor local to me, is Murielle from The Garage Studio at www.thegaragestudio.co.uk
There are a few elements of our diet we can tweak to help reduce stress levels.
- Include a form of protein at every meal, to help maintain your blood sugar levels. Examples include: fish, turkey, chicken, lamb or plant based sources include lentils, tofu, nuts and seeds.
- Aim to eat at regular times! Being at home, your daily routine might be changing, but trust us on this one, keeping your meals at set times not only supports your body, mind but also your routine.
- Increase your omega-3 fatty-acid intake, proven to help support a healthy brain, support healthy hormones and stress levels. Examples include fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies. Plant-based alternatives include olives, coconuts, avocados, nuts, seeds and all their derivatives like oils and butters.
If you seek to obtain some support for your stress levels through using natural remedies, here is our top selection:
Natural Remedies
Top up your protein needs with Garden of Life certified Organic, Non-GMO project verified, Vegan and Raw protein powders. Made entirely with wholefood fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes and seeds. They also contain natural digestive enzymes and live bacteria helping you keep a healthy digestion. Include it in your porridge, have as an afternoon smoothie or make pancakes with those.
Vitamin D3 is an essential supplement to take all year round! But during this time of isolation, it is even more relevant! Levels of anxiety, stress and even depression have been linked to low levels of vitamin D3. Therefore a daily dose may be of support. Try Garden of Life’s certified Organic, Non-GMO project verified and vegan Vitamin D3 spray. You will also obtain immune and bone health support at the same time.
- Nutiva organic Coconut Oil can be used to cook, in bakes or in your smoothies by providing a form of healthy fat. It is also anti-inflammatory in nature, which in turn can help keep stress levels at bay.
- Nutiva Organic Hemp Seed oil can be used in your homemade dishes from salads, roasted vegetables to pasta dishes. With its unrefined, raw and cold-pressed nature, it is best to use raw or on gentle-heat only.
Browse through our Organic Traditions range, where you can find Maca-X-6 Powder amongst many other fantastic products. Maca is a well-revered ‘adaptogen’ used traditionally by Peruvians. This is a blend of the best types of Maca; black, red-purple and yellow Maca providing a source of vitamin C and stress support
Turning to the world of fungi for a little extra support in the form of mushrooms. Mushrooms, are revered adaptogens, helping the body to cope and adapt to stress. They are also rich in B-vitamins, which have shown to help the nervous system function properly and aid when stress levels may be high. Try certified Organic and Non-GMO Cordyceps by OM mushroom in a smoothie or baked goods. Cordyceps in particular has shown to have excellent stress-relieving and energising abilities on the body. Add it to your coffee and help counteract the effects that caffeine can have like anxiety, restlessness and cortisol spikes. Cordyceps is thought to act by supporting our adrenal glands and help to mitigate stress in that way. Adrenal glands are those that are involved in the production of our stress hormone, cortisol.
Keep calm and reach out to Kijani Living if you have any questions or require some stress-supporting remedies.