Oh Winter.... no wonder large mammals like bears have been hibernating this long! Would you blame them? Even when they actually wake up from their hibernation mode in Spring, they are known to be grumpy and lethargic. Unlike them and of course considering the harsh weather conditions they experience in the outdoors, we actually survived winter! Despite thinking that you may have hibernated all this time and generally feel mentally, physically and emotionally drained, you are nearly at the end of it.
Over those last few winter months, your immune system may have taken its toll and feel weakened, all while your body has been trying to keep afloat. It is common for our diet to drift from wholesome healthy goodness on cold, wet winter days. This may also be the case for our exercise and self-care plan you may have put together at the beginning of the year. These work hand in hand to support your immune system, mood and overall wellbeing no matter what the weather is.
Winter is still the time of the year to harvest cosiness in all areas of life. Long warming suppers, walks, a cup of tea in hand or reading a book by the fire. It is also OK to also watch your favourite programs on Netflix. Simply do whatever it takes to help restore your energy levels after a long day of work, commuting or taking care of your loved ones.
Here are our top remedies’ suggestions to help nurture your immune system and help you and your family flourish during this time of the year.
Nature’s Answer Olive Leaf extract
Native to the Mediterranean region, the Oleopein Olive Leaf comes from the Olive tree. The unique polyphenol, Oleopein along with flavonoids and other polyphenolic compounds produced in the leaves and fruit are what give Olive oil its wonderful health benefits. Research shows that its compounds can help modulate the immune system while its antioxidants can help relieve ‘oxidative stress’ and therefore relieve the strain the immune system is put under. In other words, help support our defenses to better deal with tiredness, viruses, infections and poor sleep amongst others. The Olive leaf plant compounds have shown to also be rich in antimicrobial properties and help stimulate our white blood cells. This contributes to protecting us again from viral, bacterial and foodborne pathogens.
Nature’s answer Oleopein Olive Leaf extract provides such a highly concentrated natural extract that it would be impossible to consume enough Olive oil to match the number of healthy polyphenols in just one serving of it.
During the autumnal months, you might have spotted elderberries along country lanes, garden verges and woodlands. Elderberries, also known as Sambucus nigra are purple-black and a valuable resource of humans and wildlife alike. It is said that blue and black elderberries are the ones that possess ‘medicinal ‘ benefits. Traditionally known to help support the immune system and fight off colds and flu, Elderberries have natural amounts of vitamins A, B, C and natural flavonoids including Quercetin.
Nature’s Answer Sambucus Black Elderberry Super Concentrated Extract provides you with all the ‘antioxidant’ power of the Elderberry- the berry with twice as many antioxidants of blueberries and more antioxidants than blackberries, cranberries and goji berries. By using a unique extraction technique inspired by the company’s founder that captures and preserves the holistic balance of the elderberry, as well as their patented Advanced Botanical Fingerprint technology which verifies the quality and purity of every incoming botanical, Nature’s Answer maximises the Elderberry’s natural health benefits.
Suitable for little ones over the age of 4, this is undoubtedly a must to have at home. We love it so much, it being alcohol free, entirely devoid of artificial sugars and sweeteners, and providing all the goodness of Elderberries with none of the nasties. The sambucus is infused with Astralagus and Echinacea, both plants well revered for their support on increasing our defenses against invading microorganisms and strengthening our resistance, all while supporting a speedy recovery. That is the worst part of being poorly with a cold or virus, is how it saps out the energy levels of the little ones as well as that of the parents!
Nature’s Answer Sambucus Alcohol-Free extract spray
The Sambucus Extract Spray is a convenient spray with a wonderful blend of botanicals each bringing an additional dimension of soothing relief. It can be used along with the other Sambucus products where needed. Astralagus is known to build ‘Wei Chi’, where ‘Chi’ is the Chinese concept of life energy force. ‘Wei Chi’ is thought of as protection. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive benefits of Astralagus on the immune system, with its ability to strengthen resistance of the immune system especially against viral infections. Echinacea is also well –researched on its immune stimulating properties by helping an increase in the activity of white cells, which are our main defense against invading microorganisms. Sage is naturally high in volatile oils rich in compounds such as flavonoids, camphor, cineole and tannins, all traditionally used for centuries as remedies for sore throats. Slippery Elm is also soothing on irritated tissues due to the slippery substance it contains, referred to as mucilage. Propolis also has its place here, obtained from Bee pollen and well revered for its relief on respiratory distress.
Nature’s Answer Mullein extract
The leaves of Mullein have traditionally been used for respiratory remedies, particularly due to their natural content of plant compounds such as flavonoids, saponins and tannins. Revered for its soothing and relaxing properties, you will find it a wonderful agent in conditions such as hay fever, asthma, irritable chronic bronchitis or for an earache. In essence, making it ideal to keep in your remedy cabinet from February onwards. When experiencing chestiness and/or an inflammation of the mucus membranes, Mullein is an ideal tonic, helping to reduce the inflammation while also helping to stimulate the fluid production and promoting expectoration (i.e. helping you in getting rid of any bothersome phlegm)
For general immune and energy advice, we cannot re-iterate enough that is important to be kind to yourself and give yourself the time to restore and recover. This is particularly true if you have felt poorly and overwhelmed with the daily stresses of life during those winter months and have found it hard to see things on the bright side. If liquids or sprays are not as ideal for you, you can look into our mykind multivitamins for Men and Women from Garden of Life. These have a beautiful blend of wholefood veggies, fruits, and botanicals and may help to top up nutrient deficiencies as well as help you recover. They can also be taken at the same time of Nature’s Answer’s herbal extracts.