The winter months are associated with warming foods, hot yoga classes, getting cosy on the sofa, gatherings with our close friends or family, drinking a hot chocolate or reading a good book by the fire. However the winter months can affect our skin by stripping off the moisture, possibly causing it to crack or itch. This can be caused by central heating, low humidity indoors and outdoors, wind, cold temperatures, dietary changes and a lack of TLC.
How can we be smart about winter this time round? We could start off with our diet, since what we put in our body is as important as what we put on it. By topping your diet with essential nutrients you will support your skin in getting its glow back but also give your health the extra boost it requires during the winter.
The first signs in a deficiency of essential nutrients can soon show as dry, tired and flaky skin.
Healthy sources of fat to regularly include in a balanced diet:
- Nuts and seeds, and their derived products.
- Oily fish: mackerel, herring, salmon, sardines, anchovies.
- Coconut oil
- Vitamins such as A, C, D and E which can be found in a range of fruits and vegetables.
Essential fatty acids are responsible for the health of our cell membranes. The cell membrane’s function is to act as a barrier for harmful things but also acts as a passage for nutrients that cross in and out. The same applies to waste products that come in and out of our cells. Since our skin cells’ ability to retain water is affected by the cells’ membrane, this will in turn influence a healthy skin barrier. When essential fatty acids are regularly taken, the result leaves the skin feeling moist, soft and glowing.
Besides improving our diet, how can we make sure to maximise our Essential Fatty Acid intake?
Barlean’s range of organic flax oils provide us with a form of plant based Omega 3 fatty acids which can help to support a healthy and glowing skin during the winter and all year round. Top up your daily intake of healthy fats, with one tablespoon of the Barlean’s Lignan Flax Oil Organic drizzled on food, added to a healthy homemade dip or simply taken from the spoon. It also contains a high amount of lignans, a plant compound that is rich in antioxidants and fibre. The antioxidants in addition to the Omega 3 fatty acids provide the perfect combination for a robust and healthy skin.
Nature’s Answer Platinum Liquid Omega 3 is another one of our favourite high quality products. It is obtained from Deep Sea Fish Oil and is high in two forms of Omega 3 known as EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA both contribute to numerous health benefits with a daily dose of 3g and above. EPA and DHA also contribute to a reduction in inflammation and can be valuable for skins prone to eczema and psoriasis. Simply take one teaspoon a day to nourish yourself from within.
EU Commission (2015): EU register on nutrition and health claims
Linus Pauling Institute (2016): Essential Fatty Acids and Skin Health. Oregon State University. Available at: http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/health-disease/skin-health/essential-fatty-acids