Eczema occurs when our immune systems loses the ability to distinguish between proteins that are part of our body and foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses. When our immune systems attack our bodies, this causes inflammation which shows as eczema.
Psoriasis is caused by an overactive immune system, which causes inflammation inside the body and more healthy skin cells are produced than normal. These extra cells are pushed to the surface of the skin too quickly resulting in the scaly patches associated with psoriasis.
Eczema and psoriasis both are types of dermatitis and both can display symptoms of redness, inflammation itchiness and discomfort. This said, there is a difference between the two conditions. Eczema is considered to be more of a symptom than a condition and it usually implies there is another underlying health condition causing the flare-up.
Eczema can be triggered by allergies, such as chemicals (in toiletries), wheat, dairy, pollen, mould, pets and house dust mites. Psoriasis is linked to genetics; one in three with the condition having a close relative who also suffers [1].
The cold, dry weather can worsen both eczema and psoriasis, and as psoriasis is an autoimmune disease if the sufferer develops an infection or virus then their psoriasis will worsen.
Emollient products marketed to treat eczema, of which there are a variety of products - soap substitutes, bath oils and creams, will more often than not contain cheap petrochemicals or ingredients derived from petrochemicals.
Even if an emollient is derived from natural sources (such as coconut, jojoba, olive) they are often produced at such high temperatures that all goodness in them - nutrients, antioxidants and essential fatty acids for instance - is destroyed. Another concern is that these emollient ingredients may be contaminated with substances from the production process, including metal catalyst residues, carcinogens, and petrochemicals [2].
Topical relief is offered to eczema and psoriasis sufferers in the form of hydrocortisone and steroid creams. When applied to affected areas they help reduce inflammation and break the itch-scratch-itch cycle. However they are not suitable for long term use as they thin the skin and weaken our skin’s own immune system.
5 Tips to Help Manage Eczema & Psoriasis
- Humidity in the home. Dry eczema conditions and seasonal psoriasis may benefit from a humidifier set to around 35-45% humidity in cold and dry seasons.
- UV. Eczema and psoriasis sufferers should try to get half an hour in the sun each day, with no sun protection on. The sun’s rays can be a great healer for eczema and psoriasis conditions. Be careful though, as sometimes too much UV can lead to flare ups of the conditions, especially in the case of psoriasis. For the shorter winter days, a UV lamp is a good investment as you can easily manage your exposure in the comfort of your own home!
- No stress! Stress is often a trigger for eczema and psoriasis conditions. High cortisol levels (our stress hormones) exacerbates inflammation throughout the body, including in the skin.
- Go natural! Change your beauty, grooming and cleaning products to natural ones, particularly if you have noticed a link between using a certain product and the irritation flaring up! <Read our top products for helping manage eczema and psoriasis conditions here.>
- Eat well. Be aware of any food triggers - milk/dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, wheat/gluten, corn and other grains are all common triggers. If you are unsure what is causing your flare ups, the best thing you can do is an elimination diet, removing all of these foods for 30 days and then gradually reintroducing them. Liquorice tea is great for reducing inflammation (yes, it works from the inside too!) and be sure to eat healthful fats, such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, and omega-3 rich foods such as oily fish, grass-fed meat and nuts.
[1] http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Psoriasis/Pages/Causes.aspx
[2] Stay Healthy. An Organic Guide to Healthy Skin: It’s All in the Ingredients, Northwestern Health Sciences University, accessed May, 15, 2009